Wednesday, June 3, 2009

All About StuffSwapper

StuffSwapper is a tool for Unreal Tournament. It enables you to take weapons or items from different mods and use them all at once. Depending on how you use it, StuffSwapper can be your best friend or a huge annoyance. I don't know about everyone else, but StuffSwapper is seriously buggy with me. If I don't import the right .u files and nothing else, opening the mod menu will crash UT. Anyway, here are a few tips to keep StuffSwapper from driving you to suicide.

-Whenever you sucessfully import weapons/items from a mod, save a copy of "StuffSwapperItems.ini" somewhere. If something goes wrong, just overwrite the existing file so you won't lose all your work.

-If you ever manually add item strings, open StuffImporter and click "tools>sort items list".